lundi 27 novembre 2017

Pieris japonica

Pieris japonica

The Lily of the Valley Shrub or Andromeda Plant, Pieris japonica is a compact, symetrical, evergreen shrub that grow from 6-feet tall and wide. The plant was first collected and described by noted physician Carl Thunberg while working for the Dutch East India Company in Japan. Pieris japonica is a broadleaf evergreen shrub that typically matures to 9-tall with a dense, upright habit. He named the genus after the Pierides or nine muses of mythology The parent species is P. Serrulate, oblanceolate to obovate-oblong leaves (to long) emerge orange-bronze but mature to glossy dark green.

How to Care for Pieris japonica, commonly known as lily-of-the-valley bush or Japanese pieris, is a compact evergreen shrub.

How to Care for

Interstella - Lily of the Valley shrub

Interstella - Lily of the Valley shrub - Distinctive, rich color makes Interstella lily of the valley shrub out of this world. Pieris japonica, the Japanese andromeda or Japanese pieris, is a plant in the family Ericaceae. How to Prune Pieris japonica, commonly known as Japanese pieris or lily-of-the-valley shrub, is a broadleaf evergreen shrub full of colorful surprises. Although the mature leaves are a deep green, new leaves. Pieris japonica is an evergreen shrub to small tree that grows 9-in the heath family, Ericaceae.

Plants are native to eastern China and Taiwan as well. Photo By KENPEI GFDL, CC-BY-SA- or CC BY-SA jp, via media Commons).
Mountain Fire Lily of the Valley - Monrovia - Mountain Fire. Forgive us for using maybe too many superlatives, but this plant earns theInterstella pieris is one of the earliest blooming plants, starting its display of beautiful, bell-like, ruby-colored flowers before the calendar (and the weather!) even say its spring.

How To Grow Japanese Japanese Pieris, also known as Pieris japonica (pee-AIR-iss jah-PON-ih-kah Andromedia or Lily-of-the-Valley shrub, is a low maintenance evergreen bush that thrives in part shade and provides four season interest in your garden. Little Heath - compact bronze-red new growth develops into yellowish green variegation when mature, may revert to a green form which is propagated and sold as Little Heath Green (Dirr, 1998). It is native to eastern China, Taiwan, and Japan where it grows in mountain thickets. Pieris have leathery, 3-inch foliage that emerges after blooming, as a coppery-pink, before turning to a deep green.

It produces clusters of small, white fragrant flowers at the tips, and the foliage. It features drooping clusters (racemes to long) of lily-of-the-valley-like white flowers in early spring. It is also widely cultivated in gardens, and parent to the cultivated hybrid Pieris Forest Flame.

1Puissance des sorts: Niveau requis: Requiert Gardiens du Temps - R v r : RECHERCHE.

Mountain Fire Lily of the Valley - Monrovia - Mountain Fire

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