Please note that the alcohol must not be stored in the burner for a longer period of time). The simmer ring allows the burner to adjust from full to simmer and extinguishes the flame when closed completely. Walks us through the mechanics and operation of the Trangia alcohol stove. It is a bit smaller than the military burner that can be found at some surplus stores.
The Trangia Spirit Burner with Screwcap is a terrific option for a simple, reliable, versatile, and fairly lightweight stove. In this review, Tim from the Canadian Outdoor Equipment Co. Its simmer ring allows the burner to adjust from full to simmer and extinguishes the flame when closed completely.
The Trangia Spirit Burner can be stored inside the burner for the next day (or the next couple of days provided that the o-ring is undamaged. That is a good thing, since all the aftermarket pot stands and whatever are designed for this burner, not the military one. The Trangia Spirit Burner is the most versatile and user friendly alcohol burner on the market.
The Trangia spirit burner runs on Tenol or methylated spirits which are low cost, safe and readily available. The Trangia alcohol stove is a Swedish-made fuel alcohol burner that offers several advantages over white gas or butane stoves. However, it is essential that the burner has cooled down completely before the lid is closed.
Here we manufacture all our products and have been here since 1925. The burner is the original, time tested Trangia Spirit burner. Read more about purchase, shipping cost delivery Latest articles in the shop.
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While there are lighter alcohol stoves available, most are less versatile because they lack the Trangia s O-ring lined screwcap, which allows you to store excess fuel inside the stove without leakage. The Trangia Spirit Burner is the most versatile and user friendly alcohol burner on the market. The stove stands stable, with the pan on the supports recessed into the upper windshield. Besides having a track record of reliable service that spans decades, it also has a couple of uniquely useful features.
The spirit burner can be used with all Trangia stoves in series 2 Trangia Triangle (4003Open stove (100230) and Mini Trangia (100285) Gas burner The Gas burner is easy to use, has a fast boiling time and keeps the pots soot free. The combined frypanlid can be put on top of the pan to speed up heating and save fuel. We now ship worldwide but please use our map feature to find your Trangia items locally.
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